Plan it

Every single aspect of moving abroad needs careful consideration and a lot of planning. Listing those small and more difficult tasks such as deciding where or how which items you currently hold should be stored whilst you are abroad or whether you decide to dispose or donate of your current possessions, will prove very helpful. Sometimes donating or leaving behind those larger goods will mean you can buy new goods probably at similar or if not cheaper prices in your new location, resulting in a lighter load and easier move. The best thing about moving abroad is that there are lots of options open to you, for you to choose from, you could even sell to make some extra cash to go towards furnishing your new property abroad. Communicating and working closely with your chosen shipping company will help you to calculate and price up overall costs to overall save you money. Shipping the absolute essentials first will again add to an easier load and you will probably forget about those items you have left behind. Sometimes when moving somewhere new, having a de-clutter can be beneficial towards making a fresh start.

Communication is key

It’s important to tie up any loose ends before moving anywhere, especially when moving abroad. Liasing with your close relatives, friends and companies that you service with will ensure you have finalised any ultimate bills, are free of debt and everyone that needs to know, is aware that you are moving to another country. Providing your new address will allow you to keep track of your taxes, finances and any other legal paperwork associated with your previous residence. Remember to close any accounts you will no longer be using and to communicate with your estate agents associated with your new place abroad to avoid any shocks or surprises when you arrive. Take into account that a different country will have variety of opening times and probably won’t be as similar to London, for example. Be prepared and open-minded, plus through plenty of research you should already be aware of local attractions, amenities and services.

Take your time

Shipping your goods abroad can take up a lot of time and energy, this task won’t be complete until you have unpacked possessions, sort them to your satisfaction and are able to locate a certain item when you need it urgently. Taking it easy and resting up is vital when it comes to moving abroad. Take your time to get used to where you are now living and familiarise yourself with the local culture and community.

Check it

Once you have arrived and are settled in after a couple of days, double check you have everything you need and set up any important bills/open a bank account as soon as you can. Stay in contact with your family and friends to let them know you have arrived safe and sound. The most vital things to check is the heating, water and gas supplies so ensure you are fully aware they have been serviced recently and the property is ready for new tenants.

    Communication is key.
    Bills – pay off the old and set up the new.
    Water, gas and electricity is finalised is previous place and serviced in new property.
    Essentials for living are in an easy-reach place to find.
    Clean environment – recycle your boxes and keep the planet green.
    Security systems are up to date and in full swing.
    Meet the neighbours and socialise.
    Take your time to unpack and sort yourself out.
    Rest and enjoy your new property in a brand new country!

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